Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Commitment is the fuel of achievement

Commitment is the fuel of achievement

We started 2007 with a clear mission: to develop and strengthen e-lottery upon our success over the past 5 years.

To do this we went back to the very core of what we believe in ; that our success is only possible by the successes of others. You see, it is symbiotic - we can only succeed if you succeed. It is a true partnership, a family, and because of this it has always been and will always remain the cornerstone of everything VWD does.

During 2007, we were more committed than ever to invest in the strength of your e-lottery opportunity and in you, our members, because not only do we want to deliver the very best opportunity out there but we also believe that as you have shown your commitment to us it is our moral responsibility to invest in you.

So we increased the size of the staff to deliver a better service and support structure, we invested in new technology and systems, better communications, new marketing initiatives and future opportunities. We did not rest on our laurels and nor did you.

This year was the year of the Affiliate. We saw Affiliates develop six-figure incomes, we saw more and more Affiliates achieve their personal goals, such as new cars, new homes and improved lifestyles for their families.

It is a truly great thing to see people achieve what they thought they could never achieve. All because of an idea: consider that for a moment. A simple idea has changed so many people’s lives...it is the most amazing thing in the world and we both thank you for allowing us this honour.

This is why e-lottery has our commitment and passion now more than ever and why we will continue to develop e-lottery throughout 2008 and beyond.

The success of e-lottery has also made our vision for your VWD businesses more achievable and we became even more resolved to widen your opportunity horizons this year.

The launch of uVme in 2008 will only increase the very size of the e-lottery family as more and more people who had never heard of your e-lottery business will soon discover it.

Our investment and commitment to uVme will be as passionate as it is for e-lottery because it will not only deliver a new opportunity for you but we believe it will be the fuel to launch e-lottery into a new era.

Both of us would like to thank you for your commitment to VWD during 2007 and we would like to invite you to join us on what will be a most incredible and profitable 2008 for you.

Tom Brodie & Len Fitzgerald, Co-Founders, VWD

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